Choregraphie par : David LECAILLON
Description : 32 temps, 2 murs, Novice, Février 2018
Musique : « Stargazing » – Kygo feat. Justin Jesso
Start after the 3 notes on the piano.
Section 1: right slide , behind side cross, side rock recover, behind side cross left ¼ turn
1-2 Right step on right, slide Left to meet Right
3&4 cross Left behind Right, step Right to right side, cross Left over Right
5-6 Right side rock, recover Left
7&8 cross Right behind Left, step Left to left side, cross Right over Left with ¼ turn on Left 9:00
Section 2: step fwd, sweep, cross, step back right ¼ turn, ½ turn right, pivot ½ turn right, hold
1-2 step Left forward, sweep Right back to front,
3-4 cross Right over Left, step Left back ¼ turn right 12:00
5 ½ turn right step Right forward 6:00
6&7 step Left forward , make ½ turn right, step left forward 12:00
8 hold
Section 3: walk, walk, hitch cross, step back ¼ turn right, step 1/8 turn right, pivot ½ turn right
1-2 walk Right cross over Left, walk Left cross over Right
3-4 Right hitch , cross Right over Left
5-6 Left back step ¼ turn right , make 1/8 turn right step diagonal 4:30
7&8 step Left forward , make ½ turn right, step Left forward diagonal 10:30
Section 4: slide, coaster step ¼ turn left, step, left hook full turn 1/8 turn, step slide touch
1-2 Right step on right, slide Left to meet Right
3&4 ¼ left stepping back on Left, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left 7:30
5-6 step Right forward, pivot on Right feet ½ turn left and Left hook over Right 1:30
7-8 continue Right pivot ½ turn + 1/8 turn left step Left forward, slide Right to meet Left and R touch 6:00
Start again with a smile
TAG 1 (2 counts): End of walls 2 and 6 (face to 12:00)
Bump, bump
1-2 right hip , left hip
TAG 2 (4 counts): end of wall 3 (face to 6:00)
Slide touch slide touch
1-2 step Right on right, slide Left to meet Right and Left touch
3-4 step Left on left, slide Right to meet Left and Right touch
TAG 3 (6 counts): TAG 2 + TAG 1 end of wall 5 (face to 6:00)
FINAL: end of wall step Right forward pivot ½ turn on left
Il n’y a pas encore d’avis.