Straight up sideways

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Count: 36
Wall: 4
Level: High Improver
Choreographer: Tina Argyle (UK) – August 2024
Music: Hang Tight Honey – Lainey Wilson
Count In : 32 counts from start of track approx.. 11 seconds in

The ‘extra bits’ are not as hard as they first appear!! The music tells you after a few listens through.

Tap, Kick, Stomp, Stomp. Heel Twist x 2. Modified Left Rumba Box, Hold.
1&Tap R at side of L, Kick R to right diagonal

2&Stomp R in place, Stomp L in place next to R

3&Twist both heels to the left, then centre

4&Twist both heels to the left, then centre, finishing with weight on R

5&6&Step L to left side, step R at side of L, step fwd L, brush R at side of L

7&8Step R to right side, step L at side of R, step back R.

*RE-START HERE DURING WALL 6 – Step together with L on the & count after count 8 of the Rumba Box

Chasse ¼ Turn. Step ¼ Cross. ½ Hinge Turn, Cross Rock Recover. Basic Left Nightclub
1&2Step L to left side, close R at side of L, make ¼ turn left stepping fwd L (9 o’clock)

3&4Step fwd R, make ¼ turn left onto L, cross R over L (6 o’clock)

5&Make ¼ turn right stepping back L, make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side (12 o’clock)

6&Rock L over R, recover weight onto R

7Take long step with L to left side

8&Rock R behind L, recover weight onto L

Side Touch, Side Touch, Side Together Side Touch. Side Touch, Side Touch, Vine ¼ Turn Hold
1&Step R to right side, Touch L at side of R

2&Step L to left side, Touch R at side of L

3&4&Step R to right side, close L at side of R, step R to right side, touch L at side of R

5&Step L to left side, Touch R at side of L

6&Step R to right side, Touch L at side of R

7&8Step L to left side, cross R behind L, make ¼ turn left stepping fwd L (9 o’clock)

Step ½ Pivot Step Hold, Triple Full Turn Fwd. Hold. Step ½ Pivot Step Hold, Run Fwd. x 3 LRL
1&2Step fwd R, make ½ pivot turn left onto L, step fwd R (3 o’clock)

3&4Make a right triple full turn fwd stepping L,R,L – easier option L shuffle forward

5&6Step fwd R, make ½ pivot turn left onto L, step fwd R

7&8Run forward L,R,L

Right Rocking Chair
1- 2Rock fwd R, recover weight onto L

3- 4Rock back R, recover weight fwd onto L

TAG – 8 count Tag at the end of walls 2,4,5 – K Step with Stomp Hold Clap.
1-2Diagonal step fwd R, tap L at side of R

3-4Diagonal step back L, tap R at side of L

5-6Diagonal step back R, tap L at side of R

7-8Stomp fwd L, Clap with a hold

TAG: 4 count Tag after the Bridge – ½ Pivot Turn to 12 o’clock Run Forward R,L the re-start the dance
1-2Step fwd R, make ½ pivot turn left onto L

3-4Run fwd R the L

Dance the whole of Section 4 then REPEAT Section 4 again. Complete the dance with the Rocking Chair then add the 4 count Tag.
Re start the dance facing 12 o’clock finishing with the long step to the left in Section 2

Informations complémentaires


Style de la danse


Nombre de murs

Tag et restart


Titre de la musique

Hang tight honey


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