Champagne Promise

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Choregraphie par : Tina  ARGYLE

Description : 32 temps, 4  murs, Débutant, Mars 2017

Musique : Champagne Promise par David Nail

Count In : 32 counts from main beat (approx 24 secs)

S1: Weave Point. Cross ¼ Turn Left Shuffle Back
1 – 2    Cross right over left, step left to left side
3 – 4    Cross right behind left, Point left to left side angling body slightly to right diagonal
5 – 6    Cross left over right. Make ¼ turn left stepping back right (9 o’clock)
7&8     Step back left. Step right at side of left, step back left

S2: Right Rock Back, ½ Shuffle Turn, Left Rock Back, ½ Shuffle Turn
1 – 2    Rock back right recover weight forward onto left
3&4     Make ½ shuffle turn left stepping RLR (3 o’clock)
5 – 6    Rock back left recover weight forward onto right
7&8     Make ½ shuffle turn right stepping LRL (9 o’clock)

S3: Back, Touch x2 Anchor Rock Back with Toe Touch, Walk Fwd x2 Triple Step Fwd
&1      Step back right to right diagonal, touch left at side of right
&2      Step back left to left diagonal, touch right at side of left
&3-4   Step back right touch left toe forward bending left knee slightly, step down left
5 – 6   Walk forward right then left
*** Tag here during wall 8 – simply add 2 more walks forward ***
7&8     Step forward right, close left at side of right, step forward right

S4: Rock Fwd. ½ Shuffle Turn x2. Sailor 1/8 Turn
1 – 2    Rock forward left, recover onto right
3&4     Make ½ shuffle turn left stepping LRL (3 o’clock)
5&6     Make ½ shuffle turn left stepping RLR (9 o’clock)
7&8     Cross left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left turning to face left diagonal

Tag during wall 8 – after 20 counts add 2 more walks forward then re start the dance from the beginning facing 12 o’clock.

Informations complémentaires


Style de la danse

Nombre de murs


Tag et restart


Titre de la musique

Champagne Promise


Année cours

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