Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Absolute Beginner
Choreographer: Susanne Oates. September 2018
Music: « Out of Sight » by Midland.. 119 bpm
#32 Count intro. Start on vocals
Easier: This can be danced as a 1 Wall line dance by omitting the turn. 31. Side. 32. Scuff.
The turn can be introduced when required.
Step. Scuff. Step. Scuff. Walk Back x3. Touch.
1 2 Step forward on right. Scuff left heel beside right.
3 4 Step forward on left. Scuff right heel beside left.
5 6 Step back on right. Step back on left.
7 8 Step back on right. Touch left beside right.
Side. Touch. Out. In. Grapevine Right. Touch.
9 10 Step left to side. Touch right beside left.
11 12 Touch right to right side. Touch right beside left.
13 14 Step right to side. Step left behind right.
15 16 Step right to side. Touch left beside right.
Side. Touch. Out. In. Grapevine Right. Touch.
17 18 Step left to side. Touch right beside left.
19 20 Touch right to side. Touch right beside left.
21 22 Step right to side. Step left behind right.
23 24 Step right to side. Touch left beside right.
Extended Grapevine Vine ¼ Left Turn. Scuff.
25 26 Step left to side. Step right behind left.
27 28 Step left to side. Step right across left.
29 30 Step left to side. Step right behind left.
31 32 Turn ¼ left, stepping forward on left. Scuff right beside left. (9o’clock)
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